This report was developed by the Norwegian ForUM for Development and Environment (ForUM), a network consisting of 50 Norwegian
civil society organizations who have almost one million members between them. ForUM represents many different fields of expertise, and
primarily works on environmental, developmental, peace and human rights issues. The report is nearly identical to the inputs sent to the Norwegian government in the drafting process of the national report ahead of the voluntary examination on SDG implementation at the High-level Political Forum in July 2016.
The report has been created by contributions from: Caritas Norway, Digni, FOKUS (Forum for Women and Development), FIVAS, Forum for Development and Environment (ForUM), The Future in our hands (FIOH), Greenpeace, Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF Norway), IPB, The Norwegian Children and Youth Council (LNU), the international department within the Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions (LO), Norges Naturvernforund (Friends of the Earth Norway), Norwegian People’s Aid, Save the Children Norway, Rainforest Foundation Norway, International Planned Parenthood Foundation Norway (Sex og Politikk), Spire, Norwegian
Students’ and Academics’ International Assistance Fund (SAIH), The Development Fund Norway, Victoria W. Thoresen at Hedmark University, and WWF-Norway.
The editorial group for the report consisted of the following people and organizations: Borghild Tønnessen-Krokan, Arvid Solheim and Ingvild Hancke Øgstad (ForUM), Anita Sæbø and Ragnhild Therese Nordvik (FOKUS), Eirik Lindebjerg (WWF-Norway) and Irene Dotterud (Save the Children Norway).
We would like to take this opportunity to give our sincere appreciation and
thanks to everyone who have contributed in the making of this report!
Design: Jenny Jordahl / Differ Media
Print: Grøset Trykk AS
Coverphoto: Pixabay, CCO Public Domain
Translation (Norwegian to English): Trond Sæbø Skarpeteig.
Print: GRØSET™