Watch the live stream from the public sessions online here:
12:00 - 12:25: Opening session
- Sveinung Rotevatn, UNEA President and Norwegian Minister of Climate and Environment
- Inger Andersen, Under Secretary-General of the UN and UNEP Executive Director
- Dr. Mohamed Abdelraouf, Major Group Chair
12:30 - 13:00: Tackling Ocean Pollution
- Jane Patton, Senior Campaigner with the Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL)
- Eirik Lindebjerg, Global Plastics Policy Manager at World Wildlife Foundation (WWF)
- Amayo Passy Ogolla, Programme Officer for Sustainable Energy Futures Programme at the Society for International Development (SID)
13:45 -14:15: Health and Environment: What a post-pandemic recovery looks like
- Philip Lymbery, Global Chief Executive Officer at Compassion in World Farming, Visiting Professor at the University of Winchester and Vice-President of Eurogroup for Animals, Brussels
- Hadia Sheerazi, fra the Carbon Management Research Initiative (CaMRI) at the Columbia University Center on Global Energy Policy
- Francis Kim Upgi, director, Economic and Social Policy at The International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) Asia-Pacific
15:00 - 15:30: Ecosystem Restoration, Biodiversity, and Development: How can we have development in harmony with nature?
- Isis Alvarez, livestock campaign coordinator with the Global Forest Coalition, addressing gender aspects in forest management
- Rodion Sulyandziga, Focal point for UN Major Group for Indigenous Peoples. Rodion Sulyandziga is the Russian Far East-Director of the Centre for the Support of Indigenous Peoples of the North (CSIPN), and co-chair of the International Indigenous Peoples Forum on Climate Change (IIPFCC).
- Noelene Nabulivou, co-founder and political advisor for Diverse Voices and Action for Equality (DIVA). She is an activist and spokesperson on climate change, sustainable development, and gender equality.
16:15 - 16:45: Road to Stockholm+50, UNEP@50 and achieving the SDGs: Involvement and implementation
- Jan-Gustav Strandenæs, senior advisor at Stakeholder Forum. Jan-Gustav has played an active role in UNEPprocesses for 50+ years
- Neth Daño, Co-Executive Director of the ETC group (Action Group on Erosion, Technology and Concentration).
- Yugratna Srivastava, Focal point, UN Major Group for Children and Youth. Yugratna Srivastava works to engage young people, in the design, implementation, monitoring, follow-up, and review of sustainable development policies at all levels
19:15 - 20:15: Plenary session: Taking the work forward: How to advance the outcomes of the consultation towards UNEA 5 and beyond in a strategic manner?
- One representative from each major group present the main points from their group sessions