ForUMs response to the Finance for Development Addis draft 7 July 2015
On 7 July, a new draft accord was presented before the 3rd Conference on Financing for Development (FfD) taking place in Addis Ababa next week. Here is ForUM's response.
On 7 July, a new draft accord was presented before the 3rd Conference on Financing for Development (FfD) taking place in Addis Ababa next week. Here is ForUM's response.
The new outcome document to be adopted at the Financing for Development Summit in Addis Abeba 13-16 July was circulated yesterday. ForUM will shortly publish a response to it. Initial reaction: Good ideas, bad plan. Good description of what needs to be done, but weak language lacking commitments. Disappointed that there's no mentioning of a global tax body despite supportive language in the text.
- We must ensure that private sector contributes to sustainable development and human rights, not the opposite, says Kristina Fröberg from Norwegian Forum for Development and Environment, launching a new report at the UN in New York today on how to do this.
I år skal verdens ledere beslutte hvordan de skal bekjempe fattigdom og klimaendringer de neste 15 årene. Men hvordan skal de måles og finansieres? – Næringslivet bidrar, men det må stilles strengere krav, sa ForUMs Kristina Fröberg som talte under de norskledede forhandlingene i FN i New York i går om Finansiering for utvikling.
ForUM har koordinert et innspill som understreker fire veiledende prinsipper for implementering.