Innhold som omhandler emnet «Financing for Development»

Panamapapers dårlig nytt for de lyssky

Panamapapers dårlig nytt for de lyssky

Panamapapers er viktig, de viser hvordan milliarder skjules, sier ForUM, som foreslår bedre land-for-land-rapportering, offentlig eierskapsregister og globalt skatteorgan for mer finansiell åpenhet.

Enighet om finansieringsavtale i Addis Abeba

Enighet om finansieringsavtale i Addis Abeba

Onsdag kveld ble det enighet om avtale om finansiering for utvikling. -Viktig for sluttforhandlingene om bærekraftsmålene neste uke, men dessverre ble det ikke globalt skatteorgan, sier ForUM.

Politisk innspill:

Finance for Development Outcome Doc

The new outcome document to be adopted at the Financing for Development Summit in Addis Abeba 13-16 July was circulated yesterday. ForUM will shortly publish a response to it. Initial reaction: Good ideas, bad plan. Good description of what needs to be done, but weak language lacking commitments. Disappointed that there's no mentioning of a global tax body despite supportive language in the text. 

ForUM's response to the SDG zero draft June 2015
Politisk innspill:

ForUM's response to the SDG zero draft June 2015

Next week a new draft of the new sustainable development goals post-2015 to be adopted in September will be discussed at the UN, including declaration, revised targets, means of implementation and follow-up and review. ForUM has sent the following response to the Norwegian Delegation, discussed with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs last week: